Monday, November 9, 2009

Do you remember?

It happened twenty years ago in Berlin!
A few minutes after I posted my previous article on Milan I received an email from Peter Turnley, a great photographer and photojournalist who I truly admire and who always inspire me and I felt the need of passing it to you.


Hi Albarosa,
Today, it has been twenty years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. I
wanted to resend a message since a video piece of my images and
recollections that was supposed to run on the CBS Sunday Morning Show
yesterday, is now on live on their website.
A second piece with a text written by myself, and a
portfolio of 52 images can be found on the digitaljournalist site.
Digitaljournalist website:

With warm regards, Peter

Hope you'll enjoy the video and his extraordinary photographs.
This is one piece of the Berlin Wall that I picked up while there, a few months after the event, and brought home with me, just a small piece of history but full of great meaning.
Linda after 002

You may also like to read:
Taking pictures or making pictures
Mary Ellen Mark
and please scroll down to read my other post of the day...


cotedetexas said...

what an amazing event that was. just amazing! love the piece of history you have!!!!

Maria Killam said...

Wow that is so cool, it looks so great on that stand!

DesignTies said...

Wow -- how cool that a piece of the Berlin wall is now a fascinating piece of art.


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