Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Joy of December


Holidays are approaching and we all are wishing we can see soon a world in Peace and Harmony, but it does not happen overnight and sometimes we lose our hope.
Why don't we start with Peace and Harmony in our own family, trying to understand other people choices in life, trying to forgive, trying to help...then we can extend the same to our neighbours, with small gestures of acceptance and kindness.
How can we pretend the world be at peace if we can't even have peace in our heart?

Gift giving should not be running like busy bees from shop to shop, buying the most expensive and useless items, often being soon recycled to others...
It happened to me twice to receive my own gifts, I graciously accepted and thanked! After all it was something I liked...
A simple gift, handmade with love will show attention, time well spent, care for the recipient.

At Christmas I like to bake and give cookies to friends, something a little different from the usual, mine are shortbread with salt, pinenuts and rosemary and they don't look as beautiful as the above, but they are well received.

Happy Holidays to everyone, make it simple this year and send money to good causes instead.

The Joy of giving a hug, a smile, a gesture, giving help, giving hope!
Peace on Earth should start in our heart.

©2016 Brillante Interiors writes about new trends, timeless decor, iconic pieces, design ideas, or at times just musing about "a certain Italian way of doing things".

If you need help to enjoy your home more, please send us an emailIt will be an investment in happiness at home, because a well designed house is always a good part of a great life and a beautiful room will make you happy every time you walk in!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Lovely post, really enjoyed reading

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